2014 Dinner Report

To those who attended the 2014 dinner last weekend, would like to extend a huge thank you to you all for attending once again, and for your generous donations to the St Ambrose College Rugby Tour Fund during the impromptu auction!

The full report has been published and can be read here. As ever we’re keen to hear any feedback you may have – attendees please keep an out for a questionnaire landing in your inbox soon, or email us via our contact form.

2014 Dinner update

As the 2014 dinner approaches the running order for the night is coming together.

November 8th

7 pm – Doors open
7:30 pm – Dinner
12 am – Bar Closes

If you haven’t yet secured your ticket, get one now here!

SAOBA Dinner 2014

The 2014 St Ambrose Old Boys’ Dinner is fast approaching, and places are selling fast!

For more information on the dinner, including how to secure your place, click here.

SAOBA Statement

St Ambrose Old Boys Association wishes to acknowledge the prolonged distress and suffering caused to those fellow pupils of St Ambrose College who were victims of former teacher Alan Morris between 1972 and 1990. At the same time we recognise the strength, courage and persistence shown by those individuals who came forward to the Police and Child Protection Authorities to take the necessary steps which led to his conviction and sentencing yesterday (28/8/14). Our prayers are with you.
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